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    Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Attorney

    Motorcycle accidents can lead to devastating injuries. Unfortunately, motorcycle accident victims often struggle torecover compensation after incidents caused by the actions of other drivers. At ABDI &
    Associates, we are here tohelp when you need a Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney by your side. We have the experience necessary to stand upto aggressive insurance carriers and at-fault parties. Let us help secure the compensation you need today.

    Turn to ABDI & Associates for Help With Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

    When you work with ABDI & Associates, you are turning to a person with experience representing injury victimsthroughout the state. Shawn Abdi truly believes in standing up for those who need compensation. · You will receive personalized attention.
    Attorney Abdi will listen to your story and craft a strategy moving forwardthat meets your goals and needs. · If your injuries prevent you from coming to our office, we will come to you. Our goal is to make this as stress-freeas possible for you. · We
    have no problem pursuing all avenues of compensation for you, including taking your case to trial if necessary.

    What an Attorney Will do for a Motorcycle Accident Case

    A skilled motorcycle accident attorney will play a multi-faceted role for their client. First and foremost, contactingan attorney early will help ensure that your attorney can start investigating
    before any evidence is destroyed,discarded, or altered. This is crucial. An attorney can use their resources to gather various types of evidence,including: · Photographs taken at the motorcycle crash scene · Video surveillance footage (from homes, businesses,
    traffic cams, etc.) · Statements from eyewitnesses as well as other drivers and passengers · The police report In addition to gathering evidence, an attorney will be the person responsible for handling all communication with otherparties. This includes
    the insurance carriers, at-fault parties, and other legal teams. An attorney will negotiate withthese other parties to reach a fair settlement offer while also preparing the case for trial.

    Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

    The very nature of riding a motorcycle means that any type of accident comes with a heightened risk of injuries. Evenwhen a motorcyclist is wearing a helmet, they are still incredibly exposed when compared to those
    inside traditionalvehicles. There are no airbags or seatbelts to reduce the chances of an injury. Some of the most common injuries that our motorcycle accident attorney in Los Angeles helps clients with include: · Traumatic brain injuries · Concussions
    · Spinal cord trauma · Lacerations, puncture wounds, and road rash · Crush injuries · Amputations · Fractured or dislocated bones · Major blood loss · Scarring and disfigurement Many motorcycle accident victims also experience a range of emotional and
    psychological injuries as a result of theseincidents. This can include a range of symptoms, such as stress, fear, anxiety, sleeplessness, and more. Some crashvictims also experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At ABDI & Associates,
    we want to makesure to recover compensation for every injury our clients sustain, including the acute traumatic injuries we listed aswell as all “hidden” emotional and psychological injuries.

    California Motorcycle Accident Statistics

    Did you know that California has more registered motorcycles than any other state in the country? If we examineinformation from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), we can see that there are more than 870,000total motorcycles in the state. Unfortunately, with this many motorcycles, there are also plenty of motorcycleaccidents. The OTS data shows
    that there were nearly 13,000 total motorcycle crash injuries during the latest reportingyear in California. 451 motorcycle operators lost their lives in crashes that same year.

    Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in LA

    Just like other types of vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents have a variety of causes. However, there is a tendencyamongst traditional vehicle drivers to disregard motorcyclist safety. All it takes is one
    careless or negligent driverin the vicinity of a motorcycle to cause a major accident. Some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents in California include drivers: · Operating while impaired by alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medications
    · Operating a vehicle while distracted by a phone or another device · Failing to yield the right of way · Speeding or operating too fast for conditions · Disregarding stop signs or traffic lights · Failing to use turn signals In addition to negligent
    driver causes of motorcycle accidents, these incidents can also occur due to poor roadwayconditions. Motorcyclists are more vulnerable to certain types of roadway issues, including loose gravel, uneven roadsurfaces, potholes, debris in the roadway, and
    more. In many cases, liability for these incidents could fall to amunicipality or construction company responsible for the roadway where the crash occurred.

    California Motorcycle Helmet Laws

    Motorcycle helmets save lives. Many states in the US do not have mandatory motorcycle helmet requirements, butCalifornia does. When we examine Vehicle Code Section 27803, we can see that it is “unlawful to operatea motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized bicycle if the driver or any passenger is not wearing a safety helmet.” This means that
    not only does the motorcycle operator have to wear a helmet, but so do any passengers on the vehicle. Itis important to note that motorcyclists in Cali are required to wear DOT-approved helmets, which are very different fromnovelty helmets or bicycle
    helmets. Briefly, a DOT-approves motorcycle helmet is one that: · Weighs at least three pounds · Has a chin strap attached with sturdy rivets · Has a polystyrene foam liner that is firm and approximately 1 inch thick · Has no design features or functions
    that protrude more than two-tenths of an inch off of the helmet’s surface All helmets that meet these standards will be marked with a DOT-approved sticker, but please beware of counterfeithelmets with fake stickers. Motorcyclists should only buy a helmet
    from a trusted retailer.

    What Compensation is Available After a Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident?

    If you sustain an injury in a motorcycle crash caused by the actions of someone else, you will likely be able to recovercompensation for your losses. This compensation can come
    through a settlement with the at-fault party’s insurancecarrier or even through a personal injury lawsuit verdict. At ABDI & Associates, our goal is to recover maximumcompensation on your behalf. This can include both economic and non-economic damages:
    · Economic damages. We can also refer to these as special damages. This includes the losses amotorcycle accident victim sustains that are relatively calculable after the incident. By gathering bills and receipts,an attorney can calculate
    a victim’s: o Emergency medical expenses o Doctor’s bills o Prescription medication costs o Physical therapy and rehabilitation o Lost wages o Out-of-pocket expenses o Property damage expenses · Non-economic damages. We also refer to
    these as general damages. However, these are not as easilycalculable as the economic damages mentioned above. What we mean by that is, there are usually no direct bills orreceipts that can show a motorcycle victim’s: o Physical pain and suffering damages
    o Emotional and psychological distress o Loss of quality of life damages o Loss of consortium for a spouse or family members Even though it is not as easy to calculate the non-economic damages, they are just as crucial. We want to make sure thatour clients
    recover compensation for all of their losses.

    How Much is Your Motorcycle Accident Claim Worth?

    There is no set amount of money for how much a motorcycle accident claim in Los Angeles is worth. The reality is thatevery single motorcycle accident is different. There are factors that must be taken
    into account for every claim inorder to adequately calculate compensation for crash victims. Some of these factors include: · The severity of any injuries · How much physical and emotional pain and suffering a person experiences · Whether or not a person
    can work while they recover · Whether or not there are any temporary or permanent disabilities · Total property damage expenses · Whether or not there was any shared fault for the crash When determining the total economic damages for a claim, an attorney
    and their client will gather all the bills andreceipts that come in as a result of the incident. The total of these expenses will equal the total economic damages.However, calculating non-economic losses is more challenging. That is because these are
    more immeasurable expenses thatdo not necessarily have bills over seats. Remember, we said that non-economic damages revolve around a person’s physicaland emotional pain and suffering. When working to calculate not economic losses, an attorney could use
    a “multiplier method.” Using this method, anattorney will take the economic damage total and then multiply those by a set number (usually a number ranging from 1.5to 5) to reach the non-economic total. For example, if a person experiences $500,000 worth
    of medical bills and othereconomic losses, a multiplier of “three” could be used to reach a non-economic total of $1.5 million. Overall, theattorney would seek $2 million through a settlement for their client.

    Time Limit for Filing a Motorcycle Accident Claim in Los Angeles

    It is crucial for motorcycle crash victims in Los Angeles to keep deadlines in mind. First and foremost, the insurancecarriers involved in these claims are going to have their own reporting
    deadlines. Typically, an auto insurance carrierrequires that a claim be reported within a day or two after the incident occurs. Failing to report an accident to aninsurance carrier could result in the carrier delaying or denying the claim. It may be necessary
    to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party in these cases. In California, thepersonal injury statute of limitations is two years from the date an injury occurs. This means that a motorcycle crashvictim has a two-year window with which
    to file a lawsuit against the alleged negligent party. Failing to do so withinthis time frame will mean the case gets dismissed, and the crash victim will be unable to recover the compensation theyneed for their losses. If you have any questions about
    whether or not you still have time to file your motorcycle accident claim in LosAngeles, we encourage you to reach out to a skilled lawyer as soon as possible. At ABDI & Associates, our team willexamine the facts of your case and move forward with
    your claim as promptly as possible so we can make sure that nodeadlines are missed.

    What About Partial Fault for a Motorcycle Crash?

    One of the most common tactics that other parties will use to limit how much money they pay in compensation to a crashvictim is by blaming the victim for actually causing the incident (or at least
    partially causing it). This could be aneffective way to limit how much compensation gets paid out, but the reality is that individuals will still be entitledto compensation even if they are partially responsible for causing their own injuries. California
    operates under what is considered a “pure comparative negligence” system. This means that a person canrecover compensation even if they are up to 99% at fault for their injury. This differs from how other states handleshared fault, where a person is usually
    prohibited from recovering compensation if they are 50percent or 51% or moreresponsible for their own injuries. However, injury victims in California will receive reduced compensation depending on their percentage of fault for theincident. For example,
    if a person is involved in a motorcycle crash and sustains $100,000 worth of damages, but a jurydetermines that they were 30% responsible for the incident for some reason, then the individual would receive $70,000instead of the full $100,000. In an effort
    to combat any allegations of fault placed on you by the other parties involved in the crash, we encourageyou to work with your attorney who can examine every aspect of your case and push back against insurance carriers andlegal teams.

    Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident in Los Angeles

    There are various steps that we encourage motorcycle crash victims to take after an incident occurs. Some of these stepsneed to take place immediately, within the first half an hour after the
    crash. However, we understand that theseincidents can be chaotic, and you may not be able to take all these steps in this exact order. We encourage you to doeverything within your power to maximize your chances of recovering compensation. 1. Assess for injuries.
    Right after a motorcycle accident occurs, you need to check yourself, anypassenger, and others involved for injuries. 2. Call 911. You or somebody at the scene needs to dial 911 and let the dispatcher know where theincident occurred and
    whether or not there are any injuries. Do not assume that somebody else at the scene has called911. You need to do it yourself or physically watch somebody do it. This ensures that police, fire, and EMS personnelget to the scene and a prompt manner. 3. Seek medical treatment.
    You need to seek medical treatment very soon after a motorcycle accidentoccurs. Even if you do not feel much pain immediately after the crash, you still need to let a doctor conduct anevaluation and make a decision about treatment options. In some cases,
    there are injuries that do not show signs orsymptoms until hours or even days after a crash. Delaying treatment could hurt your chances of recovering compensationfrom the insurance carrier. 4. Gather evidence if possible. If it is safe
    to do so at the scene of the crash, you can begingathering as much evidence as possible. We always encourage individuals to use their cell phone, if it is still working,to take photographs of everything they say. This includes damage to vehicles, skid
    marks, debris, causes of the crash,traffic signs, weather conditions, and more. If you see any eyewitnesses to the incident, get their names and contactinformation written down as soon as possible. These individuals can provide valuable testimony to insurance
    carriers orduring a personal injury trial to back up your claim. 5. Contact an attorney. You need to consider contacting a motorcycle accident attorney in Los Angelesvery soon after the incident occurs. When an attorney gets involved
    early in the case, they can help with the evidencecollection and ensure that they are the ones to handle communications with other parties involved. 6. Report the incident to the insurance carrier. You will need to report the crash to
    your insurancecarrier relatively soon after the incident occurs. You can have your attorney do this if you have already reached out toone. The insurance carrier only needs to know that the incident occurred and that you were seeking treatment for yourinjuries.
    You should also give the insurance carrier the name and contact information of any other driver(s) involved.You do not need to go in-depth when you make your initial report. Additionally, if the other party’s insurance carriercalls, you do not need to
    speak to them right away. Absolutely do not give a recorded statement to any insurancecarrier, and do not sign over a complete medical authorization. 7. Continue medical treatment. We encourage you to continue all medical treatment prescribed
    by yourdoctors until after you have reached maximum medical improvement. If you discontinue treatment recommended by a doctorbefore you have fully recovered, the insurance carriers could use this as a reason to lower your settlement or deny theclaim.
    8. Stay off of social media. We strongly encourage you to stay off of social media after you sustainedan injury in a motorcycle accident. This includes not posting about the incident on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok,Twitter, or any other
    Internet site that you use. Additionally, not only should you not post about the particularmotorcycle accident you were involved in, but we encourage you to stay off of social media altogether. The attorneys andinsurance carrier for the other side will
    try to find your postings, and they could use them against you. For example, if you make a post about something as simple as taking your kid to his football practice, the insurancecarrier could say that there is no way you are seriously injured if you
    are able to get up and go do the things you aredoing. Even if you think your social media is private, it is not. All it takes is for a friend or family member to likeor share your posts in order for them to become public in many situations.

    Paying for a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Los Angeles

    The aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be a confusing experience, particularly when you are worried about finances.It can seem impossible to afford an attorney to help represent you, but
    you do not need to worry about that. At ABDI & Associates, we take motorcycle accident claims in Los Angeles on a contingency fee basis. What this meansfor you is financial relief while your case is ongoing. There will be no upfront or out-of-pocket
    costs on your end. Youwill not have to pay any legal fees until after we successfully recover compensation for your losses. This type of feearrangement helps ensure that everyone, regardless of their financial status, can stand up to those who cause them

    Call a Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

    If you or someone you care about has been injured in a Los Angeles motorcycle accident caused by the actions of anotherdriver, you need legal assistance as soon as possible. At ABDI & Associates,
    we have the resources necessary to helpyou get through this. Our goal is to help secure the compensation you need for your medical bills, lost income, propertydamage expenses, pain and suffering losses, and more. When you need a Los Angeles motorcycle
    accident attorney, you cancontact us for a free consultation by filling out the contact form at the bottom of this page, or you can call us at (888) 772-2529.

    Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

    Our firm is a contingency fee-based practice which means that clients pay no attorneys’ fees unless and until we recover for you. No recovery, No Fee. We even offer a free, no obligation, case evaluation and consultation CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE CASE EVALUATION